Exiled Man United star Antony relaxes by a pool in Sao Paulo as he fights against latest claims from a Brazili – Daily Mail

By Gerard Couzens for MailOnline


Manchester United player Antony has been pictured relaxing with friends around a pool at a gated estate near Sao Paulo after agreeing to an indefinite leave of absence from his club following abuse allegations.
The 23-year-old looked relaxed as he posed for selfies with fans who recognised him as he enjoyed his downtime with two friends.
The striker had flown to Brazil before being told he was being dropped from this week’s International fixtures.
He is now expected to stay in his homeland for the time being while he tries to defend himself from allegations he assaulted three women.
They include DJ and influencer Gabriela Cavallin who has claimed the footballer assaulted her four times and bank worker Ingrid Lana who alleges he pushed her against a wall in Manchester in September last year.
Manchester United winger Antony (left) has been spotted relaxing at a pool in Sao Paulo as he delays his return to the club following a string of sexual abuse allegations (Credit: Instagram)
Antony’s (right) accuser Ingrid Lana (left) has claimed the Brazilian ‘could have killed her after accusing him of pushing her into a wall’
The DJ and influencer Gabriela Cavallin also made several allegations against Man United star
Antony, who faces police investigations in Brazil and the UK, has denied any wrongdoing.
He has not been arrested or charged and has promised to ‘come up with the evidence’ to prove the truth.
The winger, who signed for United from Ajax in a £85m deal last summer, was photographed doing a thumbs-up in one selfie around the pool in the gated Alphaville condominium in the upmarket municipality of Barueri near to Sao Paulo.
In another he posed bare-chested in a pair of swim shorts looking smiling and relaxed with a young fan.
His upmarket surroundings were a world away from those of his childhood in the Sao Paulo suburb dubbed ‘Inferninho’ – Portuguese for ‘Little Hell.’
Antony revealed after joining the Red Devils last year how he jumped over the body of a dead man lying in an alley near his home as he walked to school, insisting: ‘I am not saying this to sound tough. It was just my reality.’
It was not immediately clear today if the luxury condominium where he was photographed is serving as his base in Brazil while he focuses on the abuse allegations he is facing and takes a break from competitive football – or he was just visiting friends there for the day.
Gabriela Cavallin, 23, and Ingrid Lana, 33, have both given TV interviews in their homeland over the past week alleging they were assaulted by the footballer.
The third woman accuser has been named in Brazil as Rayssa de Freitas.
Cavallin filed a police report in Brazil in June and then spoke out during a television interview
Cavallin said that she needed stitches to her breast after Antony allegedly injured her
Antony posted a statement in Portuguese on Instagram in June as he stressed his innocence
Ingrid, who alleges she was pushed against a wall after travelling to Manchester to meet Antony for business last September, dramatically claimed on social media earlier this week she could have died in the alleged assault.
The footballer insisted in his own TV interview in Brazil last Friday: ‘I know the truth and it will come out.’
He also spoke out against domestic violence and insisted he would never harm a woman.
He said: ‘It’s totally wrong, 100 per cent wrong. I have a mother, a sister, and I would never want this to happen to them.
‘I’m 100 per cent sure I’ve never touched a woman, and I’ll come up with the evidence. People will see the truth. I have never assaulted and I will never assault. I’m sure I’ve never committed physical violence.’
Overnight reports in the South American country said Antony was now intending to sue Ingrid for slander following her interview on Record TV on Sunday.
Manchester United said in a club statement on Sunday: ‘Manchester United acknowledges the allegations made against Antony.
‘Players who have not participated in international matches are due back in training on Monday. However, it has been agreed with Antony that he will delay his return until further notice in order to address the allegations.
The winger then appeared on Brazilian TV to conduct an interview regarding the allegations 
‘As a club we condemn acts of violence and abuse. We recognise the importance of safeguarding all those involved in this situation, and acknowledge the impact these allegations have on survivors of abuse.’
A statement from Anthony read: ‘I have agreed with Manchester United to take a period of absence while I address the allegations made against me.
‘This was a mutual decision to avoid distraction to my team-mates and unnecessary controversy for the club.
‘I want to reiterate my innocence of the things I have been accused of, and I will fully cooperate with the police to help them reach the truth. I look forward to returning to play as soon as possible.’
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